City of St. Charles School District Gifted Program Overview
The City of St. Charles School District's Gifted and Talented Education Studies (GATES) program offers identified gifted and talented students six GATES to academic exploration and excellence:
- SOAR (Seeking Opportunities in Accelerated Resources) is the first GATE in the gifted and talented program, and is offered at the 1-4 grade level. The SOAR program is offered as a full-day, pull-out program at Harris Elementary School.
- QUEST (Quest Using Excelled Skills and Talents) is the second GATE in the gifted and talented program, and is offered at the 5-6 grade levels. This GATE is offered as a half-day pull-out program at Jefferson Intermediate School.
- APEX (Advanced Program of Exploration) is the third GATE in the gifted and talented program, and is offered at the 7-8 grade levels. This GATE is offered as a pull-out program at Hardin Middle School.
- SWAT (Students With Academic Talents) is the fourth GATE in the gifted and talented program, and is offered in grades 9, 10, and 11. This GATE is offered as Gifted High School English 9 & 10. These are scheduled core classes.
- GEE (Gifted Exploration and Expansion) is the fifth GATE in the gifted and talented program, and is offered in grades 9-12. This course is offered as an elective to identified gifted students at the high school level
Program Goals
- Research- St. Charles gifted students will acquire the knowledge and skills to locate, gather, analyze, filter, outline, and apply information and ideas.
- Communication- St. Charles gifted students will acquire the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively within and beyond the classroom.
- Problem Solving- St. Charles gifted students will acquire the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively within and beyond the classroom.
- Affective- St. Charles gifted students will develop an understanding of the intricacies of being gifted as they acquire the knowledge and apply the skills to make decisions and function as responsible citizens of a diverse global society.