Hardin Middle School

Home of the Tigers

  • Office Hours - 6:45 am - 3:00 pm

    School Hours - 7:20 am - 2:20 pm

    Early Release - 7:20 am - 11:20 am

    Students may not enter the building until 7:00 am

  • A few reminders: 

    *All students entering 8th grade must have their Tdap booster and MCV4 vaccine on file at school before they can pick up their schedule and before they can start school. 

    Incoming 9th Grade Families:
    This is a friendly reminder that registration for ALL sports and activities during the 2023-2024 school year for both St. Charles High and St. Charles West will open on Thursday, June 1st. Please visit https://stcharles-ar.rschooltoday.com/ to create an account.


    • -All students planning to participate in athletics, Esports, dance, cheer, and marching band will need to fill out paperwork and submit it through RschoolToday.
    • -RschoolToday requires the MSHSAA Medical Eligibility Form to be uploaded.  Doctors determine length of eligibility up to 2 years 
    New this year, MSHSAA will be requiring the new MSHSAA Medical Eligibility form (page 5 of attachment) to be completed in lieu of uploading a physical form with private medical information on it.
    If you have any questions about the registration process, please reach out to:
    (SCHS) Andrea Irizarry airizarry@stcharlessd.org or 636-443-4180
    (SCW) Rachel Holtgrewe rholtgrewe@stcharlessd.org or 636-443-4281


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