1. Prospective students apply through the partner school guidance office. Applications are available in all Lewis & Clark partner high schools or under the Admissions tab online.

    1. All students must complete the OASIS exam (Occupational Aptitude Survey and Interest Schedule), which is a timed, five-part, nationally-normed test that takes no more than 45 minutes in total to complete. Unfortunately, no IEP accommodations are given other than having the directions read to the student. It is administered by Lewis & Clark staff, usually at the partner school.  Students applying for the ARBS (Applied Retail and Business Skills) program are not required to take the OASIS exam.

    1. It is strongly recommended that students with an IEP who are interested in attending Lewis & Clark are referred for an ACE evaluation (ACE: Aptitude and Career Exploration test). This referral is made by the student’s case manager or district’s work experience coordinator at the partner school as soon as possible, preferably in the fall semester. ACE evaluations are not required for students applying for Applied Retail and Business Skills program (ARBS). ACE evaluations can also be completed for students with disabilities who need assistance in determining appropriate career choices but who are not interested in attending Lewis & Clark.

    1. Students must be currently enrolled and attending one of the St. Charles County high schools.  Home-schooled students are encouraged to attend, but will be admitted subject to the approval of the student’s residential partner school and Lewis & Clark.

    1. Student applicants attending their district’s alternative high school will be accepted on a case-by-case basis.  They are subject to the enrollment and funding policies of the sending district. Students with behavioral problems are not appropriate candidates to attend Lewis & Clark based on the many numerous professional occupational expectations and the many occupational safety hazards inherent in the programs.

    1. The partner school guidance office will compile an application packet and forward it to Lewis & Clark. The packet includes transcripts, attendance, and discipline reports.

    1. All students must meet the criteria as set forth in the Missouri Safe Schools Act.

    1. Admission to Lewis & Clark is a cooperative decision between the partner school and Lewis & Clark.

    1. Late applications will only be considered after first-round applicants have been placed.  Late applicants will be placed in programs based on availability.

    1. Students may be added through the tenth day of first semester if space allows.

    1. Students who desire to transfer to Lewis & Clark from another technical school will be considered on a case by case basis.

    1. Students must be in good academic standing and eligible to graduate with their original cohort class on time.  This means a student coming over in his or her junior year needs to have enough credits to be considered a junior. Credit standing will be determined by the partner school and verified by Lewis & Clark.

    1. The partner school reserves the right to remove a student from Lewis & Clark for lack of credits/academic progress or other concerns.

    1. Lewis & Clark reserves the right to drop a student if his or her behavior is considered inappropriate or  dangerous to him or herself or others; if the student is making a failing grade, or if the student becomes ineligible to earn a program certificate. Generally, students are dropped at the completion of a semester.

    1. Students who are on a waiting list will be informed by their home school if an opening occurs and will also receive a letter from Lewis & Clark.

    1. The partner school will notify Lewis & Clark of any drops or schedule changes. Lewis & Clark will notify the partner school of the same.

    1. Lewis & Clark will inform each partner school guidance office of current openings after first-round enrollments are completed.

    1. The Director of Lewis & Clark reserves the right to make the final decision regarding any student’s enrollment.



    Lewis & Clark Career Center programs are offered without regard

    to race, color, national origin, gender, or disability.