City of St Charles School District
A Proud Past...An Enlightened Future
- City of St Charles School District
- Federal Programs
Federal Programs
The St. Charles R-VI School District receives funds through the federal government to supplement state and local funding. These federal funds are intended to provide support to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments. The district receives funds through the following federal programs:
Title I, Part A
Title I, Part A, provides resources to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to get a quality education, resulting in their attainment of high academic standards. Title I targets resources to districts and schools whose needs are the greatest.
The program is the largest federal program supporting both elementary and secondary education, and allocates its resources based upon the poverty rates of students enrolled in schools and districts. Essentially, Title I focuses on: (1) promoting school-wide reform in high-poverty schools and (2) ensuring students' access to scientifically based instructional strategies and challenging academic content.
The St. Charles School District has implemented a school-wide model under Title I Part A: Improving the academic achievement of the disadvantaged and providing aid of the pupils in high poverty schools. Individual buildings are reviewed for eligibility annually based on the number of students who have been approved for Free/Reduced Lunch at the building level. Each district elementary building also houses a classroom for our District-wide preschool program which includes Title I funded slots available to students who meet the criteria.
All Title I schools are also required to spend part of their Title I federal funds to support parent activities to improve academic achievement.Title I A Schoolwide Program Building Plans:
District Title I Parent Involvement Implementation Plan
Plan de Participación de Padres del Distrito Implantación
Title I, Part D
Title I Part D supports prevention and intervention programs for children and youth who are neglected, delinquent, or atrisk. This program provides funds for youth at the St. Charles County Juvenile Justice Center. Missouri receives formula funds based on the number of students in state institutions and costs per pupil.
State agency and district Title I, Part D programs must meet the educational needs of neglected, delinquent and at-risk youth and assist in their transition from correctional facilities to local programs. They must provide the opportunities to achieve. And they must evaluate the program and disaggregate data by gender, race, ethnicity and age every three years.
Title II.A
The purpose of Title II.A is to increase the academic achievement of all students by helping schools and LEAs improve teacher and principal quality and ensure that all teachers are highly qualified. Because Title IIA was combined with the Class-Size Reduction grant, Title II.A funds may be used for both high quality professional development and the hiring of supplemental highly qualified teachers to reduce class sizes. The district must demonstrate that they have met state minimum class size requirements prior to using Title II.A funds to further reduce class size.
Title III and LEP (Limited English Proficient)
The purpose of Title III, Part A, is to help ensure that children and youth who are limited English proficient, Native American and/or immigrants, attain English language proficiency, develop high levels of academic attainment in English, and meet the same challenging state academic standards that all children are expected to meet.
The St. Charles School district may use funds to:- develop high-quality language instruction educational programs
- assist states, districts, and schools to build their capacity to establish, implement, and sustain language instruction and development programs
- promote parental and community involvement
- hold states, districts, and schools accountable for increases in English proficiency and core academic content knowledge of limited English proficient children by:
- demonstrated improvements in the English proficiency of limited English proficient children each fiscal year; and
- adequate yearly progress for limited English proficient children, including immigrant children and youth
The following Private Schools and Institutions are supported with Federal funds allocated to them through the St. Charles R-VI School district:
- Academy of the Sacred Heart, 619 N. Second Street, St. Charles, MO 63301
- Child of God Lutheran, 650 Salt Lick Road, St. Peters, MO 63376
- Duchesne High School, 2550 Elm Street, St. Charles, MO 63301
- Immanuel Lutheran School, 115 S. Sixth Street, St. Charles, MO 63301
- Seton Regional Catholic School, 1 Seton Court, St. Charles, MO 63303 St. Charles Borromeo School, 431 Decatur, St. Charles, MO 63301
- St. Cletus School, 2721 Zumbehl Road, St. Charles, MO 63301
Federal Programs Informational Documents