City of St Charles School District
A Proud Past...An Enlightened Future
For Staff
- City of St Charles School District
- Graduation Requirements
Graduation Requirements
Category Units of Credit Communications 4 Social Studies 3 Mathematics 3 Science 3 Fine Arts 1 Practical Arts 1 Physical Education 1 Computer Applications .5 Personal Finance .5 Health .5 Electives 10.5 Total 28Specific Units IncludeEnglish 1, 2, English electives 2 units Social Studies 1 Government, 1 World Civilization, 1 U.S. History Math 3 units Science 3 units Fine Arts 1 from the areas of Art, Music or Drama Practical Arts 1 from areas of Business Education, Family and Consumer Science (FACS), Industrial Technology, Marketing or Lewis and Clark Career Center Physical Education 1 unit Computer Applications .5 unit Personal Finance .5 unit Health .5 unit Students must pass the Missouri Constitution Test and U.S. Constitution Test. EOCs are also required for certain classes.- Seniors must be responsible for graduation requirements. If there is any doubt whether graduation requirements are being met, see your counselor.
- Students cannot earn credit in any course twice. Exceptions would include classes in Career College Readiness, Science Research, Music, Debate, Newspaper Production, Yearbook Production, Advanced Leadership Lab, Rhythmic Movement, Core Conditioning, Fitness Walking, Strength Training, Team Sports, Recreational Games, Gifted Exploration and Expansion, Actor's Studio, Technical Theater, Broadcast Media, Video Production Technology, Advanced Design & Machine Process and Advanced Technological Solutions.
- Course selection should be given careful consideration. Students will not be allowed to change classes unless there is a justifiable reason.
Click here to see the Board of Education's IKF graduation requirements
- Seniors must be responsible for graduation requirements. If there is any doubt whether graduation requirements are being met, see your counselor.