City of St Charles School District
A Proud Past...An Enlightened Future
- City of St Charles School District
- Elementary Report Cards
Updated English Language Arts Report Card
When you receive your child’s report card, you’ll notice that is longer than in previous years. To better meet our students’ individual learning needs, we reevaluated our English Language Arts learning standards. We reviewed student MAP data and our new ELA resource Wit & Wisdom to see where we could better support our students. This showed us that we would set our students up for stronger success by aligning our standards with the Missouri Department of Education’s (DESE) standards.
By aligning our curriculum with DESE, our report card will look longer than it has in years past. The longer report card indicates that we are being more intentional in teaching our students and meeting their individual needs.
We will share specific information about the updated report cards as we get closer to the end of the trimester.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
This report card is longer than it used to be. Does this mean that my child has more to learn in the same amount of time?
We have always used DESE's standards when teaching our students. To make it easier for you and your child's teacher to better identify your child's skills, we adapted our report cards to reflect the exact standards. Therefore, we are teaching the same amount of material and better identifying your child's needs through clear communication.
How will this help me assist my children?
This updated report card will explain the exact skill your child needs support with, providing an easier way for you to communicate with your child's teacher about their academic needs.
Will other subjects look different on my child's report card?
Not yet. We will continue to reevaluate and update our report cards as needed.
Learn More
Learn more about each strand and its corresponding lower standards for each grade level by expanding each tab below, or by downloading its pdf.
- K-6 ELA Priority Standards (PDF)
- Kindergarten ELA Priority Standards (PDF)
- First Grade ELA Priority Standards (PDF)
- Second Grade ELA Priority Standards (PDF)
- Third Grade ELA Priority Standards (PDF)
- Fourth Grade ELA Priority Standards (PDF)
- Fifth Grade ELA Priority Standards (PDF)
- Sixth Grade ELA Priority Standards (PDF)
Reading (Literary and Informational)
With assistance, develop and demonstrate comprehension-reading skills in response to read alouds.
- Asking and responding to questions about texts read aloud
With assistance, develop an understanding of vocabulary.
- Using words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts
Read independently for sustained periods of time.
With assistance, read, infer and draw conclusions using fiction texts
including poetry and drama.- Identify elements of a story, including setting, characters, and key
With assistance, read, infer and draw conclusions using text features in nonfiction texts.
- Identify the topic and details in an expository text heard and/or read,
referring to the words and/or illustrations
With assistance, read, infer and draw conclusions using text structures in nonfiction texts.
- Name the main topic and recall key details of the text
With assistance, draw/write opinion texts.
With assistance, draw/write informative/explanatory texts.
With assistance, draw/write fiction or non-fiction narratives and poems. -
In written text, apply standard English grammar.
- Demonstrate the use of complete sentences in shared language
In written text, apply punctuation, capitalization and spelling.
- Print in upper and lowercase letters
- Recognize that a sentence ends with punctuation marks
- Capitalize first word in a sentence
- Demonstrate the use of complete sentences in shared language
Speaking and Listening
Speak clearly using conventions of language when presenting individually or with a group.
- Confirming comprehension by retelling information and asking
appropriate questions based on read-alouds or other media
- Confirming comprehension by retelling information and asking
Second Grade
Reading (Literary and Informational)
Develop and demonstrate comprehension-reading skills in response to text.
- Seeking clarification and using information/ facts and details about
texts and supporting answers with evidence from text - Retelling a story’s beginning, middle, and end and determining its
central message, lesson, or moral
Develop an understanding of vocabulary.
- Using prefixes, root words, and suffixes to determine the meaning of words
- Using context to determine the meaning of a new word or multiple-meaning words in text
- Using conversational, general academic and domain-specific words and phrases
Read independently for multiple purposes over sustained periods of
time.Read, infer, analyze and draw conclusions using fiction texts including poetry and drama.
- Describe the setting, problems, solutions, sequence of events (plot),
and big idea or moral lesson - Describe the main characters in works of fiction, including other traits, motivations and feelings
- Describe cause and effect relationships
- Compare and contrast the differences in points of view of characters and how stories are narrated
Read, infer and draw conclusions using text features in nonfiction texts.
- Identify the main idea of sections of text and distinguish it from the
Read, infer and draw conclusions using text structures in nonfiction
texts.- Explain main ideas and supporting details
- Describe the connection between and identify problems and solutions
- Seeking clarification and using information/ facts and details about
Appropriate to genre type, develop a draft from prewriting.
Reread, revise and edit drafts with assistance from adults/peers.
Write opinion texts.
Write informative/explanatory texts.
Write fiction or nonfiction narratives and poems.
Apply research process to use information from a variety of sources.
- Gather evidence from available sources, literary and informational
- Record basic information from literary and informational text in simple
visual format
In speech and written form, apply standard English grammar.
- Produce simple declarative, imperative, exclamatory, and interrogative
In written text, apply punctuation, capitalization and spelling.
- Use apostrophes correctly for contractions
- Capitalize weeks, days, month, holidays
- Produce simple declarative, imperative, exclamatory, and interrogative
Speaking and Listening
Speak clearly and to the point using conventions of language when
presenting individually or with a group.- Confirming comprehension of read-alouds and independent reading by retelling and asking appropriate questions
Fourth Grade
Reading (Literary and Informational)
Develop and demonstrate comprehension-reading skills in response to texts.
- Drawing conclusions and inferring by referencing textual evidence of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text
- Drawing conclusions by providing textual evidence of what the text
says explicitly
Develop an understanding of vocabulary.
- Determining the meaning of academic English words derived from
Latin, Greek, or other linguistic root words and their prefixes and
suffixes - Using the context of the sentence to determine the meaning of
unfamiliar words or multiple-meaning words - Identify the meaning of common idioms and figurative language
- Using conversational, general academic, and domain-specific words and phrases
Read independently for multiple purposes over sustained periods of
time.Read, infer, analyze and draw conclusions using fiction texts including poetry and drama.
- Summarize and sequence the events/plot, explain how past events
impact future events, and identify the theme - Describe the interaction of characters, including relationships and how they change
- Compare and contrast the point of view from which stories are
narrated; explain whether the narrator or speaker of a story is first or third person
Read, infer and draw conclusions using text features in nonfiction texts.
- Use multiple text features to locate information and gain an overview of the contents of text
- Interpret and explain factual information presented graphically
Read, infer and draw conclusions using literary techniques in nonfiction texts.
- Analyze, make inferences, and draw conclusions about persuasive text; use evidence from the text to explain the author’s purpose; and
support the analysis - Explain how an author uses language to present information to
influence what the reader thinks or does
Read, infer and draw conclusions using text structures in nonfiction
texts.- Explain explicit and implicit relationships among ideas in texts
Appropriate to genre type, develop a draft from prewriting.
Reread, revise and edit drafts with assistance.
Write opinion texts.
Write informative/explanatory texts.
Write fiction or nonfiction narratives and poems.
Apply research process to use information from a variety of sources.
- Identify a variety of relevant sources, literary and informational
- Differentiate between paraphrasing and plagiarism when using ideas of
In speech and written form, apply standard English grammar.
- Produce and expand the complete simple and compound four types of sentences
In written text, apply punctuation, capitalization and spelling.
- Insert a comma before a coordinating conjunction in a compound
sentence - Use correct capitalization
Speaking and Listening
Develop and apply effective listening skills and strategies in formal and informal settings.
- Posing and responding to specific questions to clarify or follow up on
information, making comments that contribute to the discussion, and
linking to the remarks of others
- Posing and responding to specific questions to clarify or follow up on
First Grade
Reading (Literary and Informational)
Develop and demonstrate comprehension skills in response to reading texts and read-alouds.
- Seeking clarification and locating facts and details about stories and
other texts - Retelling main ideas in sequence including key details
Develop an understanding of vocabulary.
- Identifying common root words and their inflectional endings
- Using words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, responding to texts
Read independently for multiple purposes over sustained periods of time.
Read, infer, analyze and draw conclusions using fiction texts including poetry and drama.
- Describe characters, setting, problem, solution, and events in logical
sequence - Describe the main idea of a story
- Compare and contrast adventures and experiences of characters in
Read, infer and draw conclusions using text features in nonfiction texts.
- Explain facts or details using text features and distinguish between
which facts were provided by pictures and which facts were conveyed via words - Use text features to locate specific information in text
Read, infer and draw conclusions using text structures in nonfiction texts.
- Identify main ideas and provide supporting details
- Seeking clarification and locating facts and details about stories and
Appropriate to genre type, develop a draft from prewriting.
Reread, revise and edit drafts with assistance from adults/peers.
Write opinion texts.
Write informative/explanatory texts.
Write fiction or nonfiction narratives and poems.
With assistance, apply research process to use information from a variety
of sources.- Gather personal and natural evidence from available sources as well as from interviews with local experts
In written text, apply standard English grammar.
- Produce complete simple and compound sentences
In written text, apply punctuation, capitalization and spelling.
- Use ending punctuation
- Capitalize the first letter of others’ first and last names
Speaking and Listening
Speak clearly and to the point using conventions of language when
presenting individually or with a group.- Confirming comprehension of read-alouds and other media by retelling
and asking appropriate questions
- Confirming comprehension of read-alouds and other media by retelling
Third Grade
Reading (Literary and Informational)
Develop and demonstrate comprehension-reading skills in response to texts.
- Drawing conclusions and support with textual evidence
- Summarizing a story’s beginning, middle, and end determining its
central message, lesson, or moral
Develop an understanding of vocabulary.
- Decoding and identifying the meaning of common prefixes and suffixes and knowing how they change the meaning of root words
- Using sentence-level context to determine the relevant meaning of
unfamiliar words or distinguish among multiple-meaning words - Distinguishing the literal and nonliteral meanings of words and
phrases in context - Using conversational, general academic, and domain-specific words and phrases
Read independently for multiple purposes over sustained periods of
time.Read, infer, analyze and draw conclusions using fiction texts including poetry and drama.
- Summarize and sequence the events/plot and explain how past events impact future events
- Describe the personality traits of characters from their thoughts,
words, and actions - Describe the interaction of characters, including relationships and how they change
- Explain cause and effect relationships
- Distinguish their own point of view from that of the narrator or those
of the characters
Read, infer and draw conclusions using text features in nonfiction texts.
- Identify the details or facts that support the main idea
- Use text and graphic features to locate information and to make and
verify predictions
Read, infer and draw conclusions using literary techniques in nonfiction texts.
- Distinguish point of view from what the author is trying to persuade
the reader to think or do
Read, infer and draw conclusions using text structures in nonfiction
texts.- Describe relationships among events, ideas, concepts, and cause and effect in texts
- Explain the relationship between problems and solution solutions
- Compare and contrast the most important points and key details
presented in texts on the same topic
Appropriate to genre type, develop a draft from prewriting.
Reread, revise and edit drafts with assistance from adults/peers.
Write opinion texts.
Write informative/explanatory texts.
Write fiction or nonfiction narratives and poems.
Apply research process to use information from a variety of sources.
- Decide what sources of information might be relevant to answer
- Decide what sources of information might be relevant to answer
In speech and written form, apply standard English grammar.
- Produce simple and compound imperative, exclamatory, declarative,
and interrogative sentences
In written text, apply punctuation, capitalization and spelling.
- Use an apostrophe to form possessives
- Capitalize names of places
- Capitalize titles of books, stories, songs
- Produce simple and compound imperative, exclamatory, declarative,
Speaking and Listening
Develop and apply effective listening skills and strategies in formal and informal settings.
- Asking questions to check understanding of information presented,
staying on topic, and linking comments to the remarks of others
- Asking questions to check understanding of information presented,
Fifth Grade
Reading (Literary and Informational)
Develop and demonstrate comprehension-reading skills in response
to texts.- Drawing conclusions and inferring by referencing textual evidence
to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the text - Drawing conclusions by providing textual evidence of what the text
says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text
Develop an understanding of vocabulary.
- Determining the meaning of academic English words derived from
Latin, Greek, or other linguistic root words and their prefixes and
suffixes through context - Using context to determine meaning of unfamiliar or multiple-meaning words
- Explaining the meaning of common idioms, adages, similes, metaphors, hyperboles, and other sayings in text
- Using conversational, general academic, and domain- specific words and phrases
Read independently for multiple purposes over sustained periods of
time.Read, infer, analyze and draw conclusions using fiction texts including poetry and drama.
- Compare and contrast the roles and functions of characters in
various plots, their relationships, and their conflicts - Explain the theme or moral lesson, conflict, and resolution in a story
or novel - Describe how a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view influences
Read, infer and draw conclusions using text features in nonfiction
texts.- Use multiple text features and graphics to locate information and
gain an overview of the contents of text information
Read, infer and draw conclusions using literary techniques in
nonfiction texts.- Evaluate if the author’s purpose was achieved, identify reasons for
the decision, and provide evidence to support the claim - Use reasoning to determine the logic of an author’s conclusion and
provide evidence to support reasoning
Read, infer and draw conclusions using text structures in nonfiction
texts.- Analyze how the pattern of organization of a text influences the
relationships - Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order
to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably
- Drawing conclusions and inferring by referencing textual evidence
Appropriate to genre, type develop a draft from prewriting.
Reread, revise and edit drafts with assistance.
Write opinion texts.
Write informative/explanatory texts.
Write fiction or nonfiction narratives and poems.
Apply a research process to use information from a variety of sources.
- Select relevant sources, literary and informational
- Differentiate between paraphrasing and plagiarism when using ideas
of others
In speech and written form, apply standard English grammar.
- Explain and use the eight parts of speech
- Produce a variety of complex sentences in writing
In written text, apply punctuation, capitalization and spelling.
- Use a comma to separate an introductory clause in a complex
sentence - Use apostrophes in singular nouns to show possession
- Write apostrophes in regular plural nouns to show possession
Speaking and Listening
Develop and apply effective listening skills and strategies in formal
and informal settings.- Posing and responding to specific questions to clarify or following up
on information and making comments that contribute to the
discussion to link to the remarks of others - Listening for speaker’s message and summarizing main points based
on evidence
- Posing and responding to specific questions to clarify or following up
Sixth Grade
Reading (Literary and Informational)
Approach texts as a writer by analyzing craft and structure in grade
appropriate texts.Point of View
- explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator
or speaker in a literary text - explain how an author’s point of view or purpose is conveyed in an
informational text
Craft and Meaning
- analyze how word choice, including figurative language and/or
the repetition of words or word sounds, contribute to meaning
Interaction and Meaning - describe how a particular text’s plot unfolds in a series of episodes
as well as and how the characters respond or change as the plot
moves toward a resolution
Argument and Evidence
- identify an author’s argument in a text and distinguish claims that
are supported by reasons and evidence from claims that are not
Approach texts as a researcher by synthesizing/comparing/ contrasting ideas from multiple grade appropriate texts.
Relationships in Texts
- compare and contrast one author’s presentation of events with
that of another
- explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator
Approach the writing task as a researcher.
- conduct research to answer a question drawing on several
sources; integrate information - gather relevant information from multiple print and digital
resources - assess the credibility of sources
- quote or paraphrase while avoiding plagiarism; provide basic
bibliographic information for sources
Approach the writing task as a writer.
Follow a writing process to produce writings in narrative, expository and
argumentative genres:- Narrative writing, including poems about real or imagined experiences with clearly identified characters, well-structured event sequences, narrative techniques and relevant descriptive details
- Expository (informative/explanatory) writing to examine a topic with relevant facts, examples, and details
- Argumentative writing introducing and supporting a claim with clear reasons and relevant evidence
Approach the writing task as a reader.
Revise and edit writing with consideration for task, purpose and audience.
- introduce the topic, maintain a clear focus throughout the text,
provide a conclusion that follows from the text - choose precise language and establish and maintain an
appropriate and consistent style with complete sentences - demonstrate a command of the conventions of standard English
grammar and usage, including spelling and punctuation - use transitions to clarify relationships, connect ideas and claims,
and signal time shifts
- conduct research to answer a question drawing on several
Speaking and Listening
- delineate a speaker’s argument and claims in order to pose and
respond to specific questions with elaboration and detail by
making comments that contribute to the topic, text, or issue under
Viewpoints of Others
- Review the key ideas expressed by a speaker including those
presented in diverse media and demonstrate understanding of
multiple perspectives through reflection and paraphrasing
- delineate a speaker’s argument and claims in order to pose and