City of St Charles School District
A Proud Past...An Enlightened Future
- City of St Charles School District
- Assessment
The City of St. Charles School District recognizes that learning is a life-long process. Instruction and assessment meet the needs of each learner. The goal of assessment is to enhance learning. Education is a collaborative partnership between school, parents, students, and the community. Achievement is realized through a “Success for All” philosophy. Assessment provides for accountability. Assessments inform our decisions about teaching and learning. Professional learning communities utilize data to drive decisions and instructional practices. A primary purpose of education is to develop thoughtful, productive and responsible citizens.Assessment data provides a “snapshot” of student performance at various points throughout the year. Students in the City of St. Charles School District will have opportunities to demonstrate what they know and are able to do on various standardized tests throughout their years in the district. To complete the picture of student progress, daily ongoing formative and summative assessments, embedded in the teaching process and used to provide regular feedback, will also be conducted as an essential means to enhance student learning.
District Assessment Plan
The City of St. Charles School District Comprehensive Assessment Plan is a document that details the assessment instruments and strategies used to monitor the quality of the District’s instructional program, guidance services, and screenings for participation in special programs.
Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) Testing- Assessments will be administered in the spring semester. Your child's building will notify you of the specific testing window dates.
- For more information on Grade-Level Assessments, please visit DESE's website.
- Assessments will be administered in the spring semester. Your child's building will notify you of the specific testing window dates.
- For more information on End of Course exams, please visit DESE's website.
The MAP-Alternate (MAP-A) is an online assessment for Science, English/Language Arts, and Math that measures student performance based on alternate achievement standards.Who Takes the MAP-A Assessment?- The decision as to how a student with disabilities is chosen to be eligible for the MAP-A assessment is determined by the student's Individualized Educational Programs (IEP) team using DESE-established criteria.
- If a student becomes eligible for the MAP-A assessment, they do not participate in the Grade-Level or End of Course assessments.
For more information on state assessments, please visit the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Assessment page on their website.Assessment Resources- ACT- The ACT® college readiness assessment is a curriculum- and standards-based educational and career planning tool that assesses students' academic readiness for college.
- Preparing for the ACT - practice booklet
- SAT- The SAT is designed to assess students' academic readiness for college.
- ASVAB- (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) - The ASVAB is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. It is administered annually to more than one million military applicants, high school, and post-secondary students.
- Learning Library Express- This free resource is available to all students and parents in the City of St. Charles School District. It includes practice modules and practice tests for the ACT, SAT, ASVAB, and AP exams. It also has an Adult Learning Center, Career Center, College Center (to help prepare for college), School Center (for Grades 4-12), and more. Accounts must first be created within the district. After initially setting up your account, you can access this site free of charge from any internet-compatible device. Please contact your student's school for more information.